Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Matthew turns 1

This happy jabberer is now the big one. I can't believe that so much time has gone by and the little baby is now a joyous little boy. He has grown so much this past month too. Finally getting that fifth and sixth tooth. He is walking every where and jabbering like there is no tomorrow. He is sleeping 12 hours a night plus still has two naps, though those naps are only around an hour and a half each. He is playing with all sort of toys and loves looking at books. He also has a favorite toy, his Clifford, and we now have a woobie (his Mickey blanket). He thinks that peek-a-boo is the best game in town and he is afraid of going downstairs. 

He is still little though. This boy weighs in at 19 .69 lbs putting him in the 9th percentile and is 28.5 inches tall, this jumps him up to the 12th percentile.  Though we had the other kids at the doctor today and they all seem to follow this same pattern. 

To celebrate we had the family over for a BBQ and I made him Mickey Mouse cupcakes...

 We decorated the dining/party room with balloons- his favorite. He was so happy and squealed when he walked into the room.

 He was also very happy about the candle. I was surprised that he didn't reach for the flame.
 He was kinda shocked and didn't know what to do. He had to look to dad for advice.
 Then he dived in. He had just a bit to much because about five minutes after this picture he was throwing up.
After a quick bath in the sink he was ready to go.

 He wasn't sure what to do with presents but kinda had fun once he got rolling.
He loved each gift and was quite befuddled when dad kept swiping them. (it was the only way we could get him to open a new one),

So happy birthday little man. Thanks for filling our lives with so much joy. 


  1. He really threw up? Now THAT is a sign of a good party. ;) Also, one hour and a half nap sounds preeeetty awesome to me; let alone two! You are smooth sailing now, Mama N!

  2. Happy birthday, little man!!! Sounds like he had a great day. It only gets more fun from here, Nat!

  3. So darling! Can't wait to get to know little Matthew! He is so much fun and so full of personality!
