Friday, July 13, 2012

Cousin time!

Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy cousin outings. It is so nice to get out of the house and spend time together and see places that we normally wouldn't go. I also love being with my sister-in-laws and sister. I learn so much from them on how to be a better mother, sister, wife, and friend. I look forward to them every week. 

In the past few weeks we have visited City Creek. James loved the fountains.  That kids loves to get wet. It doesn't matter where or when if there is water, and he can play in it, he will be happy. 

We also went to the LDS Church History Museum. They have a great exhibit upstairs  where the kids could play. They got to reenact some of their favorite Book of Mormon stories and then build houses and pretend they worked on a farm.

 Eve loved the fishing.
 Matty loved the Latin dancing, though I am not sure if he loved the vest his sister made him wear.
 The Kids all piled into the "castle" they made.

Fast forward a week and we went to Tracy Aviary on what would turn out to be one of the hottest days of the year! We snicked into  bird show and were able to see Atty and James picked as helpers. They put their hands on the ground and then two very cute ducks came and ate out of their hands. In James' words "The ducks bit me and it didn't even hurt."

Then while walking around we discovered a peacock. The kids thought he was awesome. Later we ran across a peahen, their was not that much interest in her, thus showing the clothes make the bird.
 Our crazy little birds

After we went and got free lunch in the park which is an awesome program on so many levels.

The next morning we changed what we were doing (going to Wheeler Farm) and decided to go swimming. We learned a lesson the day before with the heat and opted for awesome cool water. I did not snap any pictures inside but we had fun splashing each other and I toted two boys (at the same time) down the lazy river. We just loved it.

Then we went and had free lunch in the park again. Really I love this and the kids loved it too. I wish I had known earlier that this program existed. The kids think it is the best thing ever and I am not that far behind them!

So I think that catches us up on cousin outings for the time being. I am just very grateful to be part of two very incredible families. 

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