Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Chasing Summer

Last year we started a tradition in our family, the two weeks leading up the start of school we write down the activities that we've wanted to do all summer long and just haven't gotten to yet. Then they hang in our Back to School  banner and we  pick one a day. I don't think I explained that well. Just thing banner, activities, one a day.  And since I didn't take picture this year I will recycle last year's picture for the visual that might make more sense then my earlier ramblings. 

So here we go- the final countdown (and this does not include weekends just school days)....

Nine days left.... Make Jolly Rancher suckers. Much easier than making them from scratch and I think the kids enjoyed them a bit more

 Eight days left...no activity as we were heading down to Cedar City.  A make up day was scheduled.

Seven days left...Glow Golf. I hadn't been golfing in about a decade but this time I turned in a pretty good score, I beat my kids...not sure if I should be as proud of that as I am.

Six days left....Build a blanket fort and have a read-a-thon. This turned out pretty well until it fell on them...It still lasted for a few hours.

Five days left...go and get some delicious shaved ice. 

Four days left...Go to the Museum of Ancient Life- DINOSAURS. Dad even decided to come with us on this one. That made it even better. 

Three days left.... Go see Epic. There is no picture of this one. And in all honesty I am wishing I could block that film out of my mind, man I should have taken the opportunity for a free nap.

Make up activity on a Saturday (heaven forbid)....Go see Despicable Me 2. Oh this was the hit of the summer in our house. The kids are still walking around pretending to be minions.

Two days left...Go to Jungle Jim's. Not sure we will ever go back. It was okay but not what I had hoped. It The kids thought it was great though.

One day left....Make Stone Plaques. It seemed anti-climatic to end with this one. It was a simple art project Eve had been asking to do since last summer.  Though I have to admit we also made some (six) loaves of zucchini bread.

So goodbye summer, we had fun and we will miss you, but it is time to go back to school. We will see you in about nine months.

1 comment:

  1. You are a rockstar mom. I'm so glad you have so many kids; your talents would be wasted on only one! And I say that with no snarkiness and complete admiration!
