Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Back to school

It has been a week and I keep putting this off but it is time to finally tackle the great BACK TO SCHOOL POST!!! 

I love having my kids at home but I also love the structure that school provides to all our lives. I think that is why I loved school so much as a kid and why I became a teacher. I am also a huge fan of school supplies so I chalk my love of back to school to that as well. Anyway the big day came and the kids were ready for it, mom was kind of ready for it, and Matty wasn't ready for it at all. But we dressed in new clothes, I made bread for lunches, and we were on our way. 

I know that there are people out there that do these awesome back to school pictures with props, chalk drawings, and a host of other cute ideas-I don't. I wish I thought of those things but we just take the picture by the front door.  So without further ado I present:

Miss Eve the super cute third grader

James- the over excited first grader
 And Laine- the collected cool fifth grader
These guys take good care of each other and love being together- most of the time that is.

There they go off to the car to catch the bus
Oh wait, here is one more monkey deciding it is his turn for school. He informs us he attends Disney Junior school- not quite sure what that means but we just roll with it here.
Happy back to school everyone!

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