Wednesday, April 11, 2012

James turns five

We had a big birthday in our house on Monday. James turned the big five.  He is a delightful smart little boy.  He is reading third grade books before entering school. He is writing very well (except that he can't seem to remember that the same word should fit on the same line and words should have spaces between them) and his teachers have been working with him on basic math. He is also a very funny boy. He goes around the house all the time saying "I'm silly." and then he will do something very silly.  He is my big helper around the house completing chores and shadowing me. He is also the best big brother always making sure his little brother is taken care of and loving to be with him. 

James started his special day insisting that I take the a picture of what he calls his monkey statue.  Below is the picture of James as the monkey statue, 

James got to have whatever he wanted for breakfast (chocolate cereal), for lunch (McDonalds, they have a playland), and dinner (spaghetti and meatballs).

He also decided that he wanted a Cars strawberry cake.

 We had a small party. James picked two friends that he wanted over. I was so happy that he chose his cousins Atty and Boston. I love that he is close friends with his cousins.
 He got some great presents including the bike he had been asking us for the last two months.
 He really liked the light-up Spider-Man helmet too.

James is a bright happy boy and we are so lucky and grateful to have him in our family.


  1. Happy Birthday, James!! He sounds so much like Mia, with the reading and the being goofy. I love what a joy your family is to you. And, because I'm worried I'll forget with my mom coming into town this weekend - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO!!! (a few days early)

  2. Ah Heather! Thank you! I miss Mia, give her a hug from me.

  3. What a happy day for a happy boy! We love you James.
    Grandma and Grandpa Bradley
