Sunday, April 29, 2012

First bike ride, last preschool program

As mentioned in a previous post James got a brand new bike for his birthday. He decided to take it out for a spin this last week to see how it worked. 

 James loved it the first day. When he got on the next day however it was all tears and screams that echoed around the neighborhood and later appeared in stereo as we attempted to teach Eve to ride without her ever faithful training wheels!

It was a big week for James. In addition to his bike riding experience it was also time for his last preschool program.

I have a confession to make here- I extremely dislike attending preschool programs. I also dislike attending kindergarten programs (we sat through one twelve hours after James' program, it was like being caught in one of the circles of hell). Yes the kids are all cute and and they try to out "scream" each other while singing. There is nothing like hearing "If we hold on Together" being belted out by five years old boys, each trying to see who can be the loudest.

James was super cute though and I was very grateful the show was just his class and not the whole preschool as it has been in times past.

 Here he is getting ready to sing Proud to be an American.

I did have one complaint about the program. It started at eight o'clock. Who starts a program for preschoolers that late. There were a few kids breaking down in tears half way through. Who could blame them it was past bed time!  James held strong though and smiled his way throughout.

Just a little picture here to show that somehow this child inherited my dancing skills.  He kept looking at his friend Henry (the little boy in the red striped shirt) to find out what to do. Of course James would then do it with the wrong foot or step the wrong way. I found it to be adorable.

After forty minutes of singing, dancing, and retelling of The Three Little Pigs, they brought on the finale- Black light where they sang and hummed Octopus's Garden.

The next day we headed off to Kindergarten orientation. I think this kid is growing up way to fast!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, James! Getting started on bikes, especially when living on a hilly street is serious business. I know, we've been pulling ours out too.
