Sunday, July 24, 2011

What we've been up to the last two or so weeks.

We have been busy adjusting to our new life around here lately. Matthew has been a great joy and addition to our family but he also keeps us on our toes. Even with a new adjusted schedule we have been able to do a few things.

One thing we were able to do was two fold, since June half of our front lawn started to die. We couldn't figure it out. We tried watering longer, buying a sprinkler, and fertilizer. I was ready to spray paint it but labor and baby put a halt on that project. Then one day, during an early morning feeding, I figured it out. We had one station of sprinklers that were not working. Thanks to a bit of poking around by my brother-in-law we are now bringing the lawn back to its former glory. The kids are enjoying the extra sprinkler time!

Of course a huge part of my life has been taken up by Matty. He is a cute kid but requires a lot of work and time. He did get his first bath though. At first he wasn't a fan at all and commenced his screaming act.
He decided after a minute that this was one of the best things that he ever experienced. He also has decided that he likes showers.
We did say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa this week, they left on their mission to Germany on Tuesday. On Monday we went over to say goodbye and snap a few pictures.

Matthew continues to grow. He gave us a bit of a scare his first week home losing a pound in a few days from his release from the hospital. He has regained that pound and we are hoping to get him back to his birth weight soon. Other than that he is a growing, healthy boy with a growing healthy appetite. We have been lucky that he sleeps a good chunk of the night. I can usually get a good four to five hours before he wakes up so I almost function as a human being.

After being cooped up in the house for two and a half weeks, only leaving to see one doctor or another we took Matthew on his first outing to the Farmers' Market. He slept the whole time so I am sure he enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Natalie, those bath pictures are so funny! The kids and I are cracking up over here at how different they are and how quickly he went from hating it to loving it. Aren't babies a hoot?
