Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Happy birthday Matty!

I noticed this week that I am woefully behind in updating summer adventures. So here is my attempt to catch up with a belated happy birthday to our very own three year old toddler.

What to say about Matty, well I could probably sit him down to tell you about himself. Never have I met a more verbal child than he is. That kid is always jabbering and having conversations about his toys, shows he likes, games, or the goings on of his day. These conversations start when he wakes up to when he goes to bed making anywhere you have to be quiet difficult, church, movies, you know. I guess it wouldn't be bad if he knew how to whisper but that is not that case. Even with the jabbering he charms everyone he meets and believes that everyone is a friend. He is a good caretaker with a sweet soul that just wants to help. He follows me everywhere and will help with any chores, his favorite is dusting. He is also on his way to becoming a potty champion...thank heavens. 

Matty is a true Disney Boy and our current Disney favorite is Handy Manny. Matty loves to walk around with his tool box and fix things. He is also a fan of super heroes (Spiderman), puppies (except the one that actually lives in our house), Frozen and Wreck-it-Ralph (he can sing all the songs for you), and Dinosaurs (he can properly name several). This kid is all boy. 

Now as every three year old knows you cannot have a birthday party unless you have party hats. So he made sure we got the hats and people wore them. 

He also was happy to open all his presents and keeps asking when he will be receiving more--yes, a true toddler. 

So there he is our happy three year old. We love him and are so glad that this happy talkative boy is part of our family.

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