Monday, May 26, 2014

End of school chaos

End of the school year for some reason I will never understand we cram two or three performances per child during the month of May. This is all well and good if you have one child but when you have three children in elementary school you are going back and forth to the school and watching many many performances. 

We started this end of the year run with interpretive dancing. I would like to say that I am all for arts in the schools, I think that they are great but I have never gotten interpretive dance and I don't think I will ever will. We did three dances in two days, all at different times.  Laine's dance this year was about magnets and electrons. 

Eve's class did a dance about The Secret Garden, I was impressed that they crafted the dance before they had finished the book.

 James' class did a dance about the water cycle and every time I took picture of him he seemed to notice the camera and would wipe the smile off of his face. He also walked around like a duck (?) maybe for half the show. Wasn't sure what that was about.

 The day after the dances we got to go to James' first grade program. They wrote and performed an opera called 'The Flowers and the Hungry Snakes.' James was a snake and he loved it! It was a cute little program complete with subtitles.

 A few weeks later we went to see Laine in her American Revolution production. She was one of the students and so proud that she got to be on stage the whole time. She was fabulous though.

A few days after that Laine had he first band concert. It was tough to get a picture of her with the music stand in the way, but they did pretty well. 

I think that wraps up our whirlwind end of school programs. I have heard rumor that there is one more program but it hasn't been confirmed yet...we shall see. And maybe next year I will hope that they spread these things out a little more. Maybe through one of them in March or January. 

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