Sunday, May 4, 2014

Comic Con

I'm not sure when being a geek became cool but I guess it is now.  I remember growing up watching Star Trek: The Next Generation with my parents, but trying not to let friends know. It was too "geeky" so you just didn't talk about it. In high school I ran into a few more people that liked science fiction but I still felt that my geekiness was something to hide.

Then along came the new series of Doctor Who. I loved that show (despite my dislike of the original series) and thanks to the Internet I was able to find people who also enjoyed Doctor Who. I did declare my love of the show to a few more people than I had in my youth and I might have even converted one or two students into Whovians. 

When Christian and I first started talking, I remember debating back and forth with myself on when to first mention that I was a geek. It came up early and to my relief we had many a conversation about Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, and many other sci-fi books and series.  Over time we have showed the kids the shows and let them follow in our footsteps and it is funny to find out that being a geek is now something that is embraced. Like I said, not sure how but it is there now. 

One thing Christian and I have talked about doing for years is head down to the San Diego Comic Con and just enjoy being with others who appreciate the same shows and stories that we do. We were so excited when we saw Salt Lake was hosting a Comic Con of their own but heartbroken when we realized I was going to be out of town the same weekend. We were happy to hear it was a success and very happy when we found out we may not have to wait until September to enjoy Comic Con.

For Valentine's Day I presented my husband with two tickets to the Fan Xperience- yup that is how we celebrate love a bunch of people dressed in costume walking around with light sabers- it is beautiful. 

We got to the Salt Place early on Saturday morning but still stood in line for over an hour to see our first panel- Nathan Fillion. When they announced that he was coming on April Fool's Day I was so worried it was a joke, but show up he did. I tried to take a selfie of the two of us waiting, um I am really bad at taking selfies.

The wait was worth it and it was fun to hear Mr. Fillion share stories from some of our favorite series. I resisted the urge to shout out that he "really is ruggedly handsome" but I might have sent this picture and that observation to a few friends. 

Next up was Karen Gillian, the Who fan girl in me was super excited. I loved Amy Pond so this was going to be good. We moved up closer but for some reason I couldn't get a better picture than what was on the screen. 

To round out our geeky side we went to a panel with Brandon Sanderson and Brandon Mull where my two year long quest to find out when the next Alcatraz verses the Evil Liberians would be out was answered, looks like a one year wait.

After that we decided to walk around the floor a bit. We found some fun things like this giant balloon statue.

And the legos. James builds some impressive sets but these were awesome. I just wonder who has room to store all these things. 

We also found a mini Tardis. They had a larger Tardis there as well but I got my picture with two of those in London and Wales so I didn't feel the need to wait in line for a picture with the Tardis this time. 

We also found Olaf, and snapped this picture for the kids. 

We thought of sticking around for one more panel (Patrick Stewart) but thought we should get home to the kids. 

All in all it was a great day. As Christian said we were "among our people" and it was just fabulous. So we will be back and maybe next year we will wear our Jedi robes!

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