Thursday, May 2, 2013

Kindergarten mom

Dear Mother of the Year Award Selection Committee,

I have not yet received my notification that you have selected me to represent your fine committee. I wonder if that is because you have not had the chance to look review my past submissions or if  so I have decided that I would try again.

My third child is currently in Kindergarten. The class of 2025, feel old yet? You might remember this boy as my budding body artist. He matured now and has passed on his love of body art to his brother. This  boy pretty cute and really smart. I would like to take credit for both of those things, but alas I cannot. I can however take credit for the fact that he generally wears clean clothes and to seeing he uses tooth paste.Oh and 90% of the time he will finish his dinner in under an hour!  

Recently this child had a school program and like all good mothers I got there fifteen minutes before the show started. Unfortunately  the great mothers got there at least twenty minutes before and we had to sit on the back row so the best shot I could get of my boy was this one. He is the one with in-between the the adults making the letter V with their bodies and that is with the good lens. If you could look closely you could tell we even made him brush his teeth- twice, you will thank me for that one. Trust me. 

Since I couldn't get pictures of my boy I did what any good mother would do. I took pictures of the other mothers. Maybe by studying them I will learn to understand this subspecies of woman called the PTA mommy.
But that is okay because when my little graduate of the class of 2025 emerged from his school program debut, forgoing the juice box and cereal treat,  he showed me that maybe I am doing something right. 
Then again, maybe I can't take all the credit.

1 comment:

  1. Look at all those sweet boys! Isn't it so precious when big sibling holds hands with little sibling? Aaron absolutely adores Mia; I suspect it's the same with Matty and his big brother. :)
