Friday, July 8, 2016

She's one!!!

My baby is one. Wow, I can't believe I am saying this. This year has been going by so quickly but it has been a good baby. Abby is happy baby, yes she cries but it is rare. She also will let us know when she is not happy with  something, that usually means that she screeches at us until she gets what she wants or is distracted by something else. She is full of joy, there is no other way to describe her, she is just joyful. 

Abby has been busy this month she finally conquered stairs and has been scaling them ever since. She loves to pop up and say hello and is trying to work out how she can get herself back down.   

In addition to stairs she is also feeding herself more and more. She has rather decided that anything with tomato sauce is quite delicious. Oh and berries, she loves berries. The messier the better which means we have at least one bath a day, something that she isn't always happy about. 

This little princess is the queen of drool which means she gets several outfit changes a day. But some times, if I move very quickly I can catch a picture of her drool free. 

Like all Bradley's she is a loquacious, her latest trick is saying "dada" and pointing at Christian- he is very proud of that. 

She also likes to pull herself up now and edge around things. No walking yet but I am sure it is coming. 

For her birthday we celebrated in style. Since she is can't pick what birthday treat she wanted this year I picked for her. We've had one to many days of cake in this house so we went with puff pastry, cream, and berries. It was a hit. She wasn't so sure what to do with the candle but she did know what to do with the treat. 

After a quick clean up we started on presents. She was not happy when we kept taking away her shiny new toys to present her with a new gift but she was a good sport. 

Happy birthday sweet girl, thank you for filling all our lives with joy and happiness. It has been such a wonderful year and we are so grateful to have you in our family. 

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