Thursday, March 10, 2016

Abby- 8 months

Time flies by too quickly when it comes to baby life. Part of me is okay with that the other part of me is ready to grab each moment and just hold on as tight as I can. 

Abby continues to grow and thrive. She is not crawling yet but will roll and scoot her way to what ever she needs. 

Abby has discovered a love of baths. She lays in the water and moves her hands and feet with such pure delight. She squeals and even has let out giggles as she splashes. She loves yogurt melts and food in general really, she also believes that she is old enough to feed herself so meal time generally includes to two spoons, the grabbing of mom's dinner plate, a spilled cup or two, and end with a bath. I think it is her master plan to get just what she generally works. 

Snuggled up at church (this rarely happens)

She loves the puppy (and he is quite protective of her) and the fish, the fish will calm her down anytime she has a screaming attack. She loathes naps, making the days pretty long.
This was my dress from 1979!

Abby has discovered the joy of toys and it has been fun to see her pick favorites from her stash. She loves it when big brothers and sisters join in the fun too, this baby is a people person. She also enjoys the vacuum...not sure about that one.

her new past time, pull down the toy basket. 

She is inquisitive and seems to scoot faster when big brother is playing with the tablet, she just wants to get her hands on that wondrous thing. 

Abby is truly the sunshine of our family and we are so grateful that she is with us every day. 

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