Saturday, August 15, 2015

Abby-One month

It has been nothing but baby, baby, baby around here as we try to learn how to move from a six person family to a seven. I am actually finding adding child number five harder than it was to add child number four in many ways. It may be that I have forgotten what it means to have a baby. Several times this month I have walked out of the house with my purse only to walk back in and take the diaper bag instead.  Our washer seems to be going full time now (and the number of pink clothing that I was seems to have tripled) and though I thought we had an abundance of blankets we always seem to run out of the preferred white muslin swaddlers we love. I feel like I am eating on a teacher's schedule again (scarf everything down in five minutes so you can move on to the next thing)  and I find planning my entire days around when the baby will need to nurse.

Even with all of that it has been a fabulous month. This little munchkin has all of us wrapped around her finger and willing to do anything to see one of her smiles. Abby continues to be a mellow baby, pretty necessary for a fifth baby, and is just sweet.  So here comes the pic spam of a few moments from month number 1. 

I love watching Abby sleep, she is so content- she also sleeps a ton so that is when most the pictures of her are taken. 

Matty LOVES his little sister and wants to hold her constantly. He also sings to her, gives her kisses, and big hugs. 

He also gets excited when she wears the same thing as him, Abby seemed not to be as pleased with this Pioneer Day matching. 

Not an uncommon situation in the morning. There are days I really have to pry him away from her. 

I was so happy to find some bows that did not appear to be bigger than her face. It is harder than one might think. 

Though we are each getting about five hours of uninterrupted sleep right now, nap time for Christian and I is not uncommon. Thank heavens Abby also sleeps during those naps.  

This girl has some wild hair going on. 

Did I mention she was happy? 
So when she was about three weeks old we went to Target to have her newborn pictures taken. It was a mess, my normally happy daughter decided that she did not want to comply and thought it would be fun to yell and scream the whole time. The pictures did not work and we ended up leaving early. I was a bit sad, I loved my newborn pictures with Matty and wanted to have these memories of Abby too. A week later she decided to let me capture a few of her first smiles so that made up from the mess of the Target shoot. Plus, I think these turned out better than any newborn shot ever would. 

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