Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas lights

I love Christmas lights,  they just look so beautiful against a snowy back ground. This year we decided to take in some of the best that Salt Lake had to offer. We started by braving the bitter cold and headed to downtown Salt Lake.

A nice security man offered to snap this family picture of us!

The kids were happy to see all the candy windows at Macy's, I think the exact words were "wow, cool"
We took a moment to warm up at Deseret Book. They liked the machine that you could launch parachutes in and would have done that for the next few hours, if we had let them.
We did make them brave the cold though, mean parents that we are.
They didn't seem to mind too much though.
The lights really were gorgeous, we loved them.

We were even happy to have Kate and Aaron join us, even if it was too cold. 

 We also hit zoo lights this year something the kids were super excited to see again. 

Though not as cold as our visit to Temple Square it was still plenty cold so we huddled liked penguins to keep warm. 

The kids loved the lights and kept ewing and aweing over everything. It was a ton of fun to see their reactions.
Matty was very happy that he was the first on the rhino statue this time. That meant he got the top.
Then the other kids piled on, I don't think I can ever pass this statue without one of them saying "can we take a picture?"
James decided that it would be more fun to have a snow fight during our visit.

All in all a great time checking out the lights...even if it was a bit cold. 

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