Thursday, October 11, 2012

Matty is 15 months

Our Matty turned 15 months last week and a cuter friendlier tyke you will never meet. He is keeping his  parents busy with his ever growing vocabulary. Right now he has mamma, dada, blue, book, boo, mail, cracker, quack quack, no, yeah,  and the other coos, yells, and sounds that come out of his mouth. He talks nonstop most days.  He is comprehension is also growing. He amazed the doctor during his check up while the doctor talked about reading Matty pulled his books out of my purse. He can show you when asked where he sleeps, eats, bathes, and where dad works.

He is super friendly too. Church is his favorite time because he can make new friends. I am just grateful the other church goers seem to find him a charmer and don't mind when he will come talk to them during meetings and lessons. He also loves to play with the curtains  in the Relief Society room. He thinks that they are loads of fun and I am just grateful he is not strong enough to pull them down.

He runs amok at all other times. he loves opening and closing drawers, of course he only closes them once he has emptied them of their contents. He likes to watch Blues Clues during the day and I have found that it is a great way for me to get the bathrooms cleaned or take a shower. His favorite part is Mail time and he can be heard yelling Mail with Steve and Blue.  He also loves to read books, play with balls, and push anything with buttons. Oh his other favorite past time...pulling out items from the recycling bin. I find water bottles, paper towel rolls, and cereal boxes in various locales in the house.

He is a happy kid, though we do have the occasional temper tantrum.

He is still a small chap. He now weighs in at 21.6 pounds (10th percentile!) and  is 30 inches long (18th percentile!). His head though is staying nice and average he is in the 45th precentile there. We did have a major victory a few weeks ago though. We finally packed up all his nine month clothes and put them away. He is now in his 12 month clothes.

He is a bright spot in all of our days and we couldn't ask for happier sweeter child.

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