Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Easter

Easter this year spread into two weeks as we had two Easter celebrations with our families. 

The first was with the Bellamy's this year. We had a fun egg hunt after dinner with 108 eggs hidden. 

 We found all of them but four of them. One of the lost eggs was Laine's and that was all we heard about for the rest of the week...more on that later though. 
It was a lot of fun and the kids took that candy as something to hold them over until Easter Sunday.

I have learned over the years that if we are going to take Easter pictures than we need to make sure we take them before church. With nine o'clock church this can be difficult, to add to that this year with my church responsibilities I need to be at church fifteen minutes early. This meant we were hurrying...we did get a few good shots in though. 

The girls picked out their own dresses this year, not unusual, what was unusual is that while shopping individually they both picked the two same outfits to try on. I thought it was funny that they both chose to try on the same outfits but chose differently from one another. 

The girls were easy to get pictures of, the boys....not so much.

Yup, life with boys, always fun. 

Since school pictures are generally not that good I take the Easter pictures each year and frame them in our home. Best decision we ever made. 

Laine is getting more beautiful every year. She has her own sense of style, which I love.  I was helping Laine with her hair that morning and she told me she did not want it curled, that wasn't the "look" she was going for. 

Eve can't stop getting cuter. She also has her own sense of style and it is very different from her sisters. While Laine didn't want anyone to touch her hair, Eve had her hair done in curlers the night before. 

The dog was very distressed while we were taking these pictures and decided to watch the festivities. 

The girls were easy to take pictures of...the boys again proved to be difficult. 

I did eventually get James to stand still and smile for one brief second. 

Matty was a whole other story. This little picture taking session amused the neighbors to no end.
 At least out of the fifty pictures we got one that was useable.

This one makes me so sad, They were all looking at dad so I was at the wrong angle.

 We got the pictures done and made it to church with time to spare.
 We dyed the eggs after church this year. Since we didn't do an egg hunt in the morning I figured that it was okay.

Then it was time for the Bradley dinner party We had 168 eggs for that one.

Matty insisted on wearing his viking hat during the hunt. 

The kids had a lot of fun with the egg hunt and Laine found her lost egg from the week before, right where dad had told her. 

Poor puppy was kept out of these festivities  too, but got a few dog treats from cousins. 

We tried to take a picture of all the cousins there...my James mad a crazy face in each one.

The best thing was the face changed with each picture. 

So happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love all the pictures! I can see how different each child is just by their expressions!
