Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Fun

Easter time!! We had so much fun this past weekend celebrating Easter with our families and participating in so many fun egg hunts. 

We started our fun Easter weekend up in Oakley with the Bradley family. There we participated in a fun egg hunt provided by Grandma and Grandpa. The kids had fun trying to find their eggs and they all enjoyed exploring great new hiding places. 

Oh and for today's entry into the mother of the year contest- I left my 21 month old's jacket sitting at home on the kitchen counter. Good thing he really does have the brother of the year who was willing to let his little brother wear his jacket all day.
Later that day we dyed Easter eggs all together. We also discovered that the brown and yellow chicken eggs from Uncle James and Aunt Kirsten's chickens dyed fabulous colors.
The next day we woke up to the Easter Bunny hopping through the cabin and leaving our dyed eggs in his wake.

The kids were great sports this year posing for pictures. The girls were proud of their dresses, which they picked out themselves this year. James wanted matchy outfits with Matty so I was very happy to comply.
Of course Matty decided that he had enough of pictures and decided to tell his sisters all about the injustice of having to sit still outside when there were some great toys right on the other side.
Since I got a new camera for our anniversary earlier in the week I used the nice clothes and great backgrounds to take new pictures of each kid. The ones I have of the girls and Matty are almost two years old. So we snapped some new pictures to update the wall in our bedroom.

I really can't believe how fast they are all growing up. It just makes me sad a little bit but excited about the adventures we have to come.

After a relaxing morning in Oakley we headed back home so the girls and I could sing in our ward's Easter program and to get ready for the Bellamy Easter dinner.

Dinner was fabulous and we discovered that our yard was the best place to have an egg hunt. We hid about 165 eggs for everyone-including adults- to find. It was a huge success.
This was one of my favorite pictures. We sat all the kids down to take their pictures and my niece Sophie decided that she needed some of Matty's candy too.
Notice that they are still going for the Candy in the picture below.

We had a great holiday!

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