Friday, September 21, 2012

Hop on the Bradley Reading Train

At the beginning of the summer we set a goal to read  100 books by the end of the summer. It was a lofty goal and one that was going to be a challenge to read. To help us I put a reading train up around the room. Each car had the book name that we finished, the name of the person who read it, and the day that the book was finished.

 It took us a while to get the hang of it, but soon we were reading books left and right.

 We didn't quite make our goal by we did get 88 books by August 31st and 100 books by September 10th.
 James was our number one reader, reading about half of the books on his own. Eve read the most pages though finishing the last three Harry Potter books.
After we hit 100 books the kids decided that they wanted to continue our reading train. So our new goal is to go around the whole room. We are up to 108 books.

It has been a fun adventure and the kids love watching their train grow longer and longer.


  1. THAT is the coolest way to keep track! You're amazing w/them! :)

  2. Natalie, you are such a wonderful mother!
    Way to read, Bradleys!

  3. What a great idea, Natalie! I love it and will probably be stealing it from you. :) Hugs!
