Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Super Summer Sports

It's that time again, the time where we send our little warriors our to participate in that sacred rite of passage-summer sports.  Here's the thing, our kids are great at many many things. They are super smart, fabulous readers, great speakers, talented piano players, and fast runners. Sports though, well we won't be waiting for talents scouts from the SEC, PAC-12, or even the Mountain West to knock on our door. 

This year Laine tried a new sport-basketball. She had little to chose from, finding a team sport that is less competitive and more let's learn and have fun is really hard once they reach 3rd grade, basketball was our only choice. She did well though, once she learned not to walk down the court with her hands behind her back. 

James took on the difficult game of t-ball. His Uncle Adam coached him and he got to play with one of his best buds, Boston.

 James was good enough to stop running towards home to pose for this picture. I snapped it while yelling for him to keep running.

Eve played coach pitch this year, the day I brought my camera though was the one day the coach had the whole team hit from the tee. Despite kids pestering him with "whys" he never explained this bout of coaching. Eve was not a fan of sports this year. She seemed bored most of the time, but she did learn how to throw a ball, so that was cool.

So we bid a fond farewell to summer sports, we will meet again.. Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you! Way to be good sports!
    Grandma and Grandpa
