Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Matthew-11 months

 Some how this laughing, smiling baby has reached 11 months. I find this surprising as during the last 11 months he has fallen off the bed, fallen off the downstairs couch, fallen off a low seat chair,  fallen down the stairs, fallen off the upstairs couch, fallen off the oversize chair...are you sensing a pattern yet? He has also been attacked by a sleeping dad wielding a pillow*, been dragged from room to room by doting sisters, been carried around the house by his brother, and been thrown in the air by mom (he hated that). See I find it somewhat miraculous that babies with older siblings actually survive the first year.

Matty has been such a delight this month and his cute personality is starting to show. He loves to eat- and he will eat anything. We even sneak him a treat now and then. He loves to play peek-a-boo and his new favorite pastime is opening and closing cupboards. He sits and looks at books and most times doesn't destroy them.  He chases balls down the hall and strokes his Clifford as he falls asleep each night.  He is starting to balance on his own and is getting better and better at this thing call standing. He is also talking up a storm and flirting with all the church ladies, they of course adore him.
 He is my curious monkey who has to be with people all the time. He wants to see what you are doing and play along if he can. He is also very ticklish and finds his brother James very amusing. James, in fact, is the only one who can get a belly laugh out of him all the time.

This little boy brings so much love and joy to our lives and we are glad that he has survived this crazy circus for almost a year.

* Christian was asleep when he attacked sleeping Matt with a pillow. It was kinda funny, once I grabbed then two month old Matt out of his pillow wielding way. 

** Does anyone else think if I just flipped up his collar he could totally pass as an 80s baby?

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