Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What happens when mom looks away

Life is always crazy in this house. It is to be expected when there are four spirited kids running around. Nothing is more crazy than first thing in the morning. Even when I get up before the sun I still find myself scrambling to get everyone ready, fed, and out the door to school, down for a nap, or off on morning activities. 

When nine finally rolls around it usually finds me still in my pajamas scarfing down a yogurt and feeling like I just ran a marathon. Some mornings though I am able to find a minute or two. A blessed moment when children's hair is done, they are fed, and at least those leaving to school are dressed. I take these moments to indulge in something wonderful like making the bed or doing the breakfast dishes before lunch.   

Of course in these moments the kids are left unsupervised and it is when I walk into these moments a few minutes later that I just grab the camera and smile and then wonder how they can make such a mess in the five minutes I wasn't in the room with them. 

Here is what I walked into about a week ago...

The kids decided to pull all of James'  stuffed animals and blankets down and created a "King Squidgy" throne.  Matty seemed enamored of the hat.

Then just yesterday I ran into the other room as a crashed echoed through the house. Sure enough a basket of plastic eggs were not put away after dinner the night before and Matthew had found the their colorful allure to enticing and decided that he must have them all. He was quite pleased with himself.

The other kids later began grouping these eggs by color and size.

I love these mornings. They may cause more work and more headaches I still love that I have four lovely, brilliant children who love playing with each I do have time to make the bed. 

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