Tuesday, June 14, 2011

How we spent the first week of summer vacation

So summer vacation has finally arrived. The weather feels a like it should still be spring but that isn't too bad to this very pregnant mom. We had a great first week of summer vacation though here are a few of the things we did...

On Monday we went to the hospital to see our new nephew/cousin Felix! He is a darling baby and big. Laine was enchanted with him and didn't want to let anyone else hold him...though we did convince her eventually.
She is wearing her rhino horn on her nose, it seems to be the trend with the kids lately.
Aunt Natalie seemed to like Felix quite a bit too.
James didn't want to hold the baby but with dad's help it turned out that he was okay with everything.

There were a couple of baby showers thrown by some old colleagues and some great college friends. I wish I had thought to get pictures of the showers but I had a good time visiting with everyone. I took the girls to one of them and they learned how to quilt then when that was over they were a bit bored until they learned where the toys were then they were quite entertained the rest of the evening.

We also restarted Bellamy cousin outings. Our first big adventure- The Zoo!

James was really was excited as they had dinosaurs around the entire grounds. Some of them even spat water which made it even better!

Laine waiting to get sprayed by the dinosaur and James trying to decide if he wanted to get sprayed.
Spending some time by the elephants and beating African drums.
We tried to get a good picture of everyone on the t-rex that was a bit easier said then done. In fact, Boston wouldn't get near it.

Ezzie decided that he will be looking at a future career in dentistry.
Lu decided that she didnt want to be anywhere near the t-rex
We finally did get Boston to stop and pose for a picture though...right after we we saw a tiger.

We saw many animals

And then waited to ride the carousel which wasn't nearly as long as the train ride wait. That one was about an hour.
And everyone was rather excited to show how they measured up to the big monkeys.

We had a lot of fun and are looking forward to yet another wonderful week of summer break.

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