Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentines and Waffles

So, it was getting to be time for Valentine's Day. For a teacher like Natalie who's in charge of the student body officers at her school, that of course means it was time to do a bunch of extra work to make sure the school dance goes off without a hitch. The plan was to pop down to the school for an hour on Saturday afternoon to make sure they didn't have any problems putting up their homemade chandeliers, but due to a few complications (students stranded up in the air when the lift ran out of batteries, stuff like that) we ended up spending most of the afternoon there. This ended up being great for the kids, cause they had a bunch of new big friends doting on them as they worked on fancy big craft projects. You would have thought Eve had beamed straight to heaven from the amount of fun she was having.

James thought it was all sorts of fun to tape up the giant paper. Mostly I think he had a crush on that girl cause she gave him some goldfish crackers.

They pretty much had a million fun.

Speaking of fun, did you ever have an awesome breakfast of readheaded waffles? The kids totally did. Jam for hair, yogurt mouth, banana eyes, a little syrup for the nose, and you've got a snazzy way to start your day.

Anyway, I suppose it's time to mention the really big news: we're having a baby, and it's going to be a boy. We had our ultrasound this week and everything is looking good. We're pretty excited.
